
spray fertilizer Learn more about spray fertilizer

  • Six misunderstandings of foliar spraying of crops

    Six misunderstandings of foliar spraying of crops

    Foliar fertilizer spraying, also known as extra-root topdressing, is a fertilization measure that can not be ignored in fruit tree production. This method saves labor, labor, quick effect and high utilization rate. It can absorb 80% of the amount of fertilizer spraying within 24 hours, apple, pear, Hawthorn and other fruit trees, spraying at flowering stage can increase fruit setting rate; spraying during leaf and fruit growth period can promote.

  • Get rid of the misunderstanding of foliar fertilizer spraying

    Get rid of the misunderstanding of foliar fertilizer spraying

    Get rid of the misunderstanding of foliar fertilizer spraying

  • What is the effect of spraying foliar fertilizer on cotton in the later stage?

    What is the effect of spraying foliar fertilizer on cotton in the later stage?

    What is the effect of spraying foliar fertilizer on cotton in the later stage? How to spray foliar fertilizer on cotton? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the function and operation method of spraying foliar fertilizer in the process of cotton planting, which is listed in detail below for netizens' reference. First, spraying nitrogen fertilizer on cotton can prevent premature senescence: cotton in the later stage.

  • Foliar fertilizer spraying can not be "bathed" at will.

    Foliar fertilizer spraying can not be

    Foliar topdressing of vegetables is a method of dissolving fertilizer in water and spraying it on the leaf. this method has the advantages of simple, convenient, low cost, quick effect and high benefit. It is especially suitable for trace element topdressing, which plays a positive role in increasing the yield and quality of vegetables, but it should be scientific and reasonable. First, fertilizer species.

  • Application skills of Grape foliar Fertilizer

    Application skills of Grape foliar Fertilizer

    When the grape is sprayed with foliar fertilizer, the leaves receive a wide range of fertilizer, rapid fertilizer effect, labor-saving and fertilizer-saving, which is a common fertilization method for grapes. Generally, the fertilizer solution is absorbed 2 hours after spraying, and the urea solution can be absorbed 88% within 24 hours after spraying. Spray 0.2%-0.3% urea solution at flowering stage and add 0.1% boric acid or borax or multi-element boron fertilizer.

  • Matters needing attention in foliar fertilizer spraying

    Matters needing attention in foliar fertilizer spraying

    Matters needing attention in foliar fertilizer spraying

  • What should we pay attention to when applying foliar fertilizer?

    What should we pay attention to when applying foliar fertilizer?

    What should we pay attention to when applying foliar fertilizer? What's the reason? Please also know the netizens to help introduce foliar fertilization refers to the non-toxic and harmless organic or inorganic nutrient solution containing various nutrients, according to a certain dose and concentration, sprayed on the foliar surface of the plant, playing the role of supplying nutrients directly or indirectly, called foliar.

  • Matters needing attention in spraying foliar fertilizer of soybean

    Matters needing attention in spraying foliar fertilizer of soybean

    Foliar fertilizer spraying of soybean has the advantages of low dosage, quick effect, high fertilizer efficiency and good effect, so it has been widely popularized and applied in recent years. However, because some farmers mistakenly believe that foliar fertilizer spraying is "beneficial and harmless, the more the better", there are random selection of fertilizer types, random increase of fertilizer dosage and so on in practical application.

  • The latest citrus foliar fertilizer application what, spray fertilizer precautions

    The latest citrus foliar fertilizer application what, spray fertilizer precautions

    Citrus planting time is very long, breeding management process, often easy to appear deficiency phenomenon, direct fertilization effect is very slow, often foliar fertilizer can improve the leaf yellowing caused by deficiency as soon as possible. So foliar spray is common. So general foliar spray

    2020-11-10 latest citrus foliar fertilizer what fertilizer spray precautions
  • Is there any skill in spraying foliar fertilizer on fruit trees?

    Is there any skill in spraying foliar fertilizer on fruit trees?

    Is there any skill in spraying foliar fertilizer on fruit trees? What do fruit trees need to pay attention to when spraying foliar fertilizer? There are no netizens to help introduce that foliar fertilizer spraying on fruit trees is the main form of extra-root topdressing, which has the advantages of less fertilizer, fast absorption, remarkable fertilizer effect, strong pertinence, not fixed by soil, not restricted by root absorption function and so on.

  • Key points of spraying foliar Fertilizer on Wheat

    Key points of spraying foliar Fertilizer on Wheat

    Key points of spraying foliar Fertilizer on Wheat

  • The latest key points of foliar Fertilizer spraying on Wheat

    The latest key points of foliar Fertilizer spraying on Wheat

    Foliar fertilizer spraying during the growing period of wheat can timely supplement the nutrients needed for wheat growth and development, play the habit of not being fertilized in the soil, and have an obvious effect on increasing production, but foliar fertilizer spraying should also be mastered. Let's take a look at the wheat foliage together with the editor.

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat foliar fertilizer spraying application points in
  • When will the foliar fertilizer be ready? What types do you have? What are the points for attention in spraying?

    When will the foliar fertilizer be ready? What types do you have? What are the points for attention in spraying?

    Foliar fertilization is a supplement for plants to absorb nutrients to make up for the deficiency of root absorption of nutrients, foliar fertilization can not replace soil fertilization. When will the foliar fertilizer be ready? What types do you have? What are the points for attention in spraying? What is usually foliar fat?

    2020-11-09 Usually foliar fat when play well have which type
  • What is the foliar fertilizer of orchids?

    What is the foliar fertilizer of orchids?

    What is the foliar fertilizer of orchids?

  • Key points of foliar spraying of micro-fertilizer on vegetables

    Key points of foliar spraying of micro-fertilizer on vegetables

    Micro-fertilizer is an indispensable nutrient element in the growth and development of vegetables. spraying foliar fertilizer after diluting micro-fertilizer has the advantages of low cost, quick effect and high benefit. The main technical points are as follows: 1. Spraying concentration. Good results can only be achieved if the concentration is appropriate, especially if the concentration is not too high, otherwise it is not only useless, but harmful. ...

  • What is the application of citrus foliar fertilizer? matters needing attention in spraying fertilizer

    What is the application of citrus foliar fertilizer? matters needing attention in spraying fertilizer

    What is the application of citrus foliar fertilizer? matters needing attention in spraying fertilizer

  • Key points of foliar spraying on wheat

    Key points of foliar spraying on wheat

    Key points of foliar spraying on wheat

  • Fertilizer spraying technique of planting cherry

    Fertilizer spraying technique of planting cherry

    (1) spraying time: foliar fertilizer can be sprayed after cherry trees germinate to mature or even before defoliation; (2) fertilizer spraying varieties: all kinds of nutrient elements needed by crops can be used as fertilizer spraying varieties; (3) fertilizer spraying effect: that is, spraying fertilizer through foliar spraying.

    2020-11-08 Planting cherry fertilizer spraying technology time in peach tree
  • The effect of spraying fertilizer on cotton is great in the later stage.

    The effect of spraying fertilizer on cotton is great in the later stage.

    In the later stage of cotton growth, the nutrient absorption function of root system decreased obviously, when foliar fertilizer was sprayed to supplement nutrition, it could prevent premature senescence, disease, attack big peach, promote early maturity and strive for high quality, and the effect of increasing yield and income was remarkable. 1. Spraying nitrogen fertilizer to prevent premature senescence: in the later stage of cotton, spraying nitrogen nutrition on cotton leaves can keep cotton leaves green, enhance photosynthesis, prevent denitrification and premature senescence. Mixed spraying of nitrogen fertilizer and "regulator 802" can enhance cotton growth stamina more obviously and increase yield better. From late August to September

  • The latest key points of foliar spraying of wheat

    The latest key points of foliar spraying of wheat

    Wheat is widely planted all over the world, and it is one of the three major cereals. Almost all of it is used as feed. Spraying fertilizer on the leaves of wheat at the booting stage can obviously prolong the leaf function and increase the yield. Next, let's take a look at the wheat leaves with the editor.

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat foliar fertilizer spraying key points